

Karnataka Employers’ Association (KEA), the oldest and premier Employers’ Association in the state, celebrated its remarkable Diamond Jubilee. The association, founded in 1961, has been a stalwart in fostering positive employer-employee relationships across various industries.

The highlight of the jubilee celebrations was the felicitation of Padma Vibhushan Sri Azim Premji, Founder Chairman of Wipro Limited and Chairman of Azim Premji Foundation, for his outstanding contributions to Karnataka’s economy and his embodiment of responsible and fair employment practices—the very ethos of KEA.

About Project

With such a significant milestone, KEA recognized the need for extensive media coverage to ensure that the celebration and its distinguished guests received the attention they deserved. The challenge was to reach a broad audience and showcase the association’s legacy, the eminent Chief Guest, and the importance of KEA in shaping employer relations in Karnataka and India.

WebX Communications’ Approach:

WebX Communications, a PR and Communications agency, was entrusted with the task of orchestrating a successful press conference and garnering extensive media coverage for KEA’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations. The strategic approach included:

Targeted Media Outreach:

WebX meticulously identified and approached key media outlets, both local and national, ensuring that the event received coverage from a diverse range of publications, television channels, and digital platforms.

Tailored Press Releases:

Crafting compelling press releases highlighting KEA’s history, its significance in the employment landscape, and the notable achievements of Padma Vibhushan Sri Azim Premji. These releases were carefully tailored to capture the interest of various media segments.

Media Briefings and Pre-Event Publicity:

WebX Communications briefed journalists with comprehensive information about the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations. Pre-event publicity activities were executed to generate excitement and anticipation, ensuring a robust attendance at the press conference.

Media Kits:

The creation of comprehensive media kits containing key facts, quotes, and high-quality visuals to facilitate accurate and engaging reporting by the media.

  • Results

25+ Media Coverage

The press conference and related events garnered coverage from over 25 media outlets, including leading national and regional newspapers, and digital platforms.

Diverse Media Presence

Coverage spanned across various media segments, ensuring a diverse and widespread reach, reaching both local and national audiences.

Positive Public Perception

The media coverage further positioned KEA as a venerable institution, underscoring the significance of the Diamond Jubilee.

Sustained Visibility

The media coverage continued to generate interest even post-event, contributing to sustained visibility for KEA in subsequent weeks.

Press Conference Case Study

Client Testimonial